Monday, May 2, 2011

2 new ones (27/4/11)

untitled (27/4/11)

Am I mad
To think on my
Own pain
While the World
Goes to Hell
By it's own volition
Should I not blame
The strains of Tom Waits
Whose plaintive sadness
Brings out mine own
It was there all along
But as I read of the
Onslaught of human
And others who fight
Against it
I forget for a moment
Mine own

untitled (27/4/11)

Why must I continue to
When it has ceased all
Round and round it goes
Repeating the same cycle
Over and over
Till I long for the
Final release
The darkness promised by
The grave

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

untitled (22 February 2011)

52 beats 25
I gladly leave that
Angsty youth
Far behind
Despite some sacrifice
In the physical realm
I care not for plebian
Notions of age
The "Hill" they fear
Being over
I bypassed long ago
'Tis the Mountain
I climb
And there is no over
One keeps going
Or falls
At the top is
The Sweet Embrace
Of Eternal Night
Which is what I long for
After All

Thursday, February 10, 2011

untitled (6 Feb. 2011)

I will not acquiese
To those who call me slow
Tho' they cannot keep up
Who labelled me a Dreamer
Because they had no vision
Said I was lazy
While their minds putrefy
And scream at anyone
Who challenges their moldy stance
Think inside the Box
If it makes you feel safe
But do not spit on me
For not doing likewise
Fuck your fears
They will not stop me
Anymore than my own
I don't care about your
Beliefs of what makes the "Top"
When a thought can
Bring it all down so easily
So bide your time
While I spend mine
And fear the onslaught of Death
While I chase after the
Fickle bastard
Laughing and crying
All the way

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

untitled (1 Feb. 2011)

I try not to give in to the pain
To be strong
But strong as I am
And I am
The pain is so
The loneliness so
Not unusual in our species
But passion is
The expanse I have
And so the pain
Is not eased by simple